Sherry Vinegar 5 litre
Sherry Vinegar 5 litre
Sliced Almonds 1kg
1 kg bag of premium sliced almonds by Spanish manufacturers Itac. Excellent ingredient to add to your salads, breakfast dishes,
Sliced chorizo for pizza 1kg
Sliced chorizo for pizza 1kg
Sliced Gran Vela Chorizo 500gr
Sliced Gran Vela Chorizo 500gr
Sliced Jalapenos 3kg
Sliced Jalapenos 3kg
Sliced Serrano Ham Gran Reserva 500 grams
Gran Reserva Serrano ham from leading producers Martinez Somalo. 500 grams.
Sliced Serrano Ham Reserve 100gr
Sliced Serrano Ham Reserve 100gr
Spanish Meatballs in sauce 425 gr
Spanish Meatballs in sauce 425 gr
Special flour for frying Fish 5kg
Special flour for frying Fish 5kg
Spicy Gran Vela Chorizo 1.7kg approx
Spicy Gran Vela Chorizo 1.7kg approx
Squid Ink 90gr
Squid Ink 90 gr
Squid rings in homemade batter 1kg frozen
Squid rings in homemade batter 1kg frozen