Alcohol Free Spanish Hamper
Charcuterie 1 Whole Piece of Cured Mixed Cheese 475 g approx. PORTILLO de Cerrato Nougats and Sweets 1 Alicante Nougat
Barcelona Hamper
Charcuterie 1 Sliced Ham from Aged Castilla Reserve 90 g LA BARRICA Narrow Format 1 Iberian Bellota Chorizo 150 g
Gluten Free Spanish Hamper
Charcuterie 1 Chorizo 240 g approx. 100% Iberian Bellota JABUGUITOS by Sánchez Romero Carvajal 1 Iberian Salchichón 250 g approx.
Gourmet Savory and Sweet
Charcuterie 1 Jar of Truffle Cheese Cream 100 g QUESERÍA DE ANNA Gourmet Edition 1 Iberian Chorizo 250 g approx.
Madrid Hamper
Charcuterie 2 Sliced Ham from Aged Castilla Reserve 90 g LA BARRICA 1 Iberian Bellota Chorizo 250 g approx. MONTELUZ
Malaga Hamper
Charcuterie 1 Iberian Bellota Salchichón 150 g approx. MONTEHONFRÍA (Salamanca) 1 Iberian Bellota Chorizo 150 g approx. MONTEHONFRÍA (Salamanca) Liqueurs
Premium Gourmet with Cava
Charcuterie 1 Sliced Shoulder Ham 50% Iberian Cebo 100 g LA BARRICA 1 Whole Piece of Cured Mixed Cheese 475
Tenerife Hamper
Charcuterie 1 Iberian Bellota Salchichón 150 g approx. MONTELUZ 1 Iberian Bellota Chorizo 150 g approx. MONTELUZ Liqueurs 1 Cava